Thursday, July 3, 2014

As far as the eye can see...

Lamium is everywhere here - front, back and sideyard. It shows up at the bridge garden and it shows up in the raspberry patch. It blooms in white and three shades of pink. The foliage is dark green to white. When it really starts to bug me, I rip it up like weeds. That doesn't happen very often. Usually only where I want to walk or around another plant. It can smother other plants so I have to be diligent about protecting them.

There are days that I curse it but truth is, I really love it. It looks great all the time as long as it is not in full sun. It is easy to dig up and transplant. I can use it to drape in containers. It has endless possibility.

Somewhere out there, there is a lime one that was added last year. I can't find my joural from last year and so far, I have not seen it show up. Still keeping my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about spreading my lamium around. It can go a bit nuts here but I have one that's a winner.
