Sunday, September 25, 2011

Another Victim

The 'Autumn Joy' sedum was new to my garden last year. I had one a couple of years ago that did not survive its' first winter. Last year, I replaced it in a few places. It did not bloom but it came back this year in all of the spots it was planted and was in full bud when the early frost hit. Looks like another year to wait for blooms but I can only blame myself. The frost was forecasted and I chose not to believe it. I could have covered it and it would have likely opened since we are having a long, warm fall. Another victim of my lessons learned.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

From Linda's Garden

This is the phlox that I still have left in my garden from Linda's garden. Somehow, I planted it with the only other two white blooming plants in the sun gardens. Cerastium is in front of it and baby's breath is beside it. The phlox is not as hardy as the others so I am going move them, or at least one of them. Although there is only one stalk...
 is full of flowers! 'David', right?

First Frost

Our first frost arrived this week. The early forecast was for -5 overnight but then updated to -2 later in the day. By our thermometer, we hit the -5 mark. Yet, when I left in the morning for the city, I took a quick look around and the garden looked great. When I got back home in the afternoon, I was greeted by this rhubarb and virginia creeper at the front door. About half the hosta were frosted off as well, including Sun Power.
It is supposed to warm up for a few weeks yet and today we had great gardening weather. The kind where you step outside and feel a tiny bit chilly but once you start digging, the chill goes away and it is perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, but just right. If we can get another week or two of that, my garden will be ready for the winter. Today it is not. I still have roses, iris and tulip to get in the ground. Tomorrow, however, is reserved for the chain-saw.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Long Time Coming

When we first moved here, I planted this Iris from my garden in the city in this spot. It sits just above and behind the Catmint, right under the flagpole off the back deck. Three seasons ago, the tree branches from above had grown to the point where this spot became mostly shade. The Iris has struggled to bloom here ever since. Add to that the fact that Iris really need to be divided every few years to put on its' best display and this spot was well overdue for a change. The Iris is being relocated to I don't know where yet but this Dwarf Burning Bush should be very happy here and I already like the look eventhough it has the strangest little flowers. I can't wait to see it turn bright red. If I believe the tag and my yardstick, it should not get tall enough to block my view of the sun gardens from the deck. Theoretically anyway.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Old Favourites

I have to admit that I hold onto things in my garden. But this is the best reason why. I have loved this little bus ever since I first spied it in the garden centre. It looks great planted with impatiens or begonia or fuschia. It is still one of my favourite non-plant items in the garden. The best thing about it is that even after all these years, I can't pass by it without smiling.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Rose, 'J.P. Connell'

This 'J.P. Connell' rose was a gift from Judy and is my first yellow rose. It came to me in a bag and I transplanted it to a pot while I got its' permanent spot ready. I was told it was a climbing rose so I planned to put it on the second trellis next to the 'John Davis' pink climbing rose. It is very fragrant and I thought the pink and yellow would look pretty together off the front deck. However, looking it up this evening, I discovered it is an explorer shrub rose. It will not have room to grow between the trellis and the deck. This means I need to find a place for the 'J.P. Connell' and decide which of the climbing roses will climb the second front trellis. All the climbing roses I have are in shades of pink. I think I may still have an unplanted 'John Davis'. I could plant them together, one on each trellis. I'll have to give that a think.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Sign of Fall

Our first sign of fall has shown up in the garden. Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is in full bud. Won't be long now before we will be watching the forecast for frost warnings overnight. I heard today that we are supposed to have a dry, warm September. That would be nice.