Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Zone 3: City vs. Country Gardens

I was in Judy's City garden today, which is only 30 minutes from my country garden, when I noticed that she has so much more blooming than I do right now. Her garden got the same frost mine did a week or so ago yet all of my Geranium frosted off and all of hers are alive and doing wellHer sideyard has always been very protected between her house and the neighbours so I was not surprised to see not one, but two, Clematis blooming there with more Geranium. Her Gladiolus are all starting to open and mine frosted off along with all of my Dahlia. She did lose her Dahlia to the frost. I think the biggest difference is the concrete. The City is so full of buildings and sidewalks and road that they hold all the heat so her garden is often a few degrees warmer than mine even if the City temperature at the airport, where they take the temperature reading, is the same as mine. All of the things blooming in her garden have not made me want to move back to the City but they have made me wonder if I couldn't create some protected areas here that would save some things from those early but light frosts that we can get in Saskatchewan. At the very least, I think I will spend some time thinking about that this winter.

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame that you had such an early frost - you've had such nice growing weather since then. Our forecast called for frost last night but it's still too dark for me to see if dahlias survived.
