Friday, August 13, 2010

Stretching the Boundaries

In response to Danielle's post 'Outside my Zone':
Isn't it great to accomplish something that 'they' said couldn't be done?  To push the limits?  Kelly has actually tried to overwinter both a palm and a banana plant in our garden - with no success.  However I don't think he's completely given up on the idea.  This year I had a wonderful surprise.  The agapanthus that I planted in 2006 decided it was time to bloom!  The same year we also planted triteleia which has been blooming faithfully ever since.  Both of these are zone 7.  The packages said lift in fall and we didn't, so I threw away the tags over that winter.

1 comment:

  1. I have done that so many times with tags! Then I started a winter-killed folder for non-returning perennial tags so I could dig them out if it happened again. So what happens next? I have some kind of annual fescue/grass that is back but I have no clue what it is called. I never keep annual tags unless it performs really well and I want to find exactly the same thing next year. I apparently did not feel that way about that pair of two inch tufts of grass-like green last fall. At least you know what kind of plants yours are. Your triteleia is gorgeous.
