Monday, August 30, 2010

The Next Dahlia - 'Gerrie Hoek'

Further to our Dahlia story, I would like to introduce 'Gerrie Hoek', an heirloom (1942) Dahlia. She was described in the catalogue as a pure pink waterlily flower form. She has, however, a yellow glow emanating from her centre. Although apparent when she is opening, the glow really comes alive when she is mature. She was the first I planted this year and the first to bud up. Flowers are 5" and the plant grows to 4' in my garden. Despite her flower size, I would describe her as delicate. I think she needs something white to bloom with. My initial thought is Gooseneck Loosestrife but since I have never seen that blooming other than in a photograph, I want to talk to Linda, who has, before I decide. I considered planting something yellow with her but I am afraid that will detract from the effect of her glow in the garden. Even alone, she is stunning.


  1. Beautiful, and I especially love the linked closer-up shots. I think trying to match the yellow would be cool, even though I'm not usually fond of yellow and pink togther. How about pale yellow dahlias - and you can plant with this?

  2. If the `Sandia Showboat` blooms, we will see because they are supposed to be pale yellow waterlily form and I have them planted right next to these. So far, just buds on them though.
