Friday, August 6, 2010


I have narrow strip of ground through my Goutweed border that Goutweed will not grow in. My neighbour has been trying to get rid of Goutweed for years with no luck. My foolproof method? With 11 dogs and 6 cats, this happens a hundred times a day!


  1. I actually planted goutweed in my fence garden at one point - the first year I was gardening and before I knew how invasive it is here. It took several diggings to finally get rid of it. I was at a seasonal garden centre last year and the lady that was watering the perennials told me she was specifically not watering the goutweed. She wanted it to die so no customers would actually buy it!
    However it is certainly a striking groundcover if you can keep it under control. Maybe I need more pets...?

  2. Well, I don't know who told her that not watering would kill Goutweed. I have never watered mine and it is under trees along a slag drive. Growing beautifully, water free. Nicely contained there though, bordered by a retaining wall and the drive. I wouldn't plant it in the open. It would take over everything. And... of course you need more pets. Romeo needs a love interest.
