Friday, September 3, 2010

Spelling Challenge - Dahlia 'Taratahi Ruby'

I am just now getting to the point where I don't have to look up the spelling every time I want to write it down but this is 'Taratahi Ruby', my next Dahlia. She is a 4.5' plant with 5" waterlily form flowers. She is very bright in the garden, even from a distance. I know she is hardy because I found her down on the ground with one flower and two buds and within 2 days of standing her up, another of the buds is open. Ruby is an accurate description of her colour, with a yellow streak that looks like a very light dry-brush stroke but in a bright colour tone. She is a beauty.


  1. the colour of this one really is awesome!

  2. Is your power back on or did it not go out? How did your garden hold up?
