Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rose, 'Therese Bugnet'

'Therese Bugnet' is one of my favourite roses. They fill with flowers in the summer, starting early and ending late. The leaves start out light green, turn dark and then turn shades of burgundy and red that last throughout the fall, ending well after the first snowfall. They grew quickly, reaching full height within two seasons and have been an anchor in my sun gardens ever since. Best of all, they require very little attention. This year I moved the slide between them and the Siberian Iris which also add to an interesting fall display. Many of my perennials disappear or become little piles of dead leaves and stalks by now which leaves me always searching for something to plant next year that will add to my fall garden views. Today, I am thinking I will try coneflower again next year. Of course, by spring I could have a change of heart. Coneflower can be a challenge in our too dry, too hot, too short season and they cost too much to treat them as annuals. Too many too's to try for a lazy gardener! Whatever I add, it will be hard to beat the fall view in this tiny spot in my large, empty, October garden. No doubt about it, 'Therese Bugnet' is a winner.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, it got huge! Love this shot with the slide... it was quite a surprise. Here, all the grasses are looking good this time of year. I know you don't grow a lot of ornamental grasses there because you're surrounded by grass. Here it's a treat. All of the big ones do best in dry conditions in full sun and that's not easy to find in my yard... unless I took the space away from glads and dahlia.
    Try the plain old varieties of coneflower and see if those work better for you. We're thrilled with the purpurea this year.
