Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Weather

Wile E.
Our snow dogs are not the only ones waiting for snow. My garden is waiting as well. Lack of snow cover on my garden means that when the temperature drops, the plants are unprotected. Snow cover acts as insulation for the perennial roots trying to survive cold, long winters in zone 3. I am not on their side though. Our weather has been wonderful with many days above zero and even the cold days are close to -20. No snow makes keeping the road open much less work. I would rather replace the plants that don't make it than have more snow and colder temperatures.


  1. It finally got a little frosty here last night - down to -12. No snow to speak of and none in the forecast for Christmas. I need to put boxes on my Cityline hydrangeas.

  2. You are so lucky. You won't even be done gardening when your season is going to start again.

  3. Well it's pretty white out there now. We had to leave our car in Elmsdale last night. The first time it hasn't started for us. I will say though that there's still a few leaves clinging to the corkscrew hazel :)
