Friday, December 9, 2011

All Over Now...

Fresh vegetables have come out of my 'fridge and bulbs have gone in. Tulip planting is over for this year. I had a very late last planting date and will be interested to see what comes up next year that was planted in December. The temperature dropped a few days ago and we have been -20 or so since. I can no longer get my shovel through the top layer of soil. The ground in the Valley is officially frozen even with very little snow. I won't complain yet though. It will very likely get much colder for much longer before it gets better. The upside is that it is a late start to winter here so spring is already that much closer!


  1. I well remember what -20 feels like there! After an icky spring and summer, we're having a late start to winter too. Daylilies still growing and my Dutch irises are up about 5 inches! I wonder what that will mean in the spring?

  2. Well, I am sorry to say that it most probably means you will not have dutch iris in the spring. There is always hope though so I will keep my fingers crossed for them.
