Friday, May 18, 2012

Battling Slugs

It's not a very exciting picture but what it represents is very exciting, at least for us. I've posted about our problems with slugs in the past and about a solution we tried with some success last year. This year we're trying coffee instead. Apparently slugs don't like coffee so we've been saving our used grinds and spreading them around the dahlias. Not all the dahlias are up yet but the ones that are show no signs of slugs at all. Since our dahlia selection has dropped from 20+ to 7, this is great news!


  1. I like the tags on top. Maybe that is why I don't have a lot of slugs... I dump coffee grounds right on top of my garden soil all the time. There are too many to put in the compost and still keep it balanced. lol.

  2. Well gee, you had the solution all along and just didn't know it ;)
