Friday, January 27, 2012

Snowy Owl

This afternoon, Sean and I were driving home from Weyburn when we saw a Snowy Owl. It was huge and beautiful. I could see it long before it landed but it did land before we passed. It perched on top of a power pole and watched as we went by. I have never seen a Snowy Owl that wasn't a photograph. We had a Great Horned Owl take up residence on our acreage for about 3 days one year but never a Snowy Owl. When I got home, a blog I read had a post about a Snowy Owl. That landed me at an article telling me that there have been unusually large numbers of Snowy Owls showing up in places they do not normally show up. Hawaii for example! I also did some reading to find they are daytime owls so that explains why we saw him in the afternoon. Normally, we only see Owls at dusk or night. It was a nice experience.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I don't think I've seen an owl since moving back to NS. I used to see then all the time on my daily drive from Oakville to Georgetown. One in particular would be sitting on this one fence post - I got in the habit of looking for him (or her) every morning.
