Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gardening by Spreadsheet

Surely Danielle and I are the only gardeners who think that creating a spreadsheet to keep track of our plants is fun.  We're definitely both collectors and organizers, and that seems to be how we garden too.

I fear I may have started it.  When Danielle was coming to visit in July, she sent me a list of all the dahlia tubers she was bringing to me along with the link to Sids Dahlia (  Now Sid has a great listing on his website and I copied and pasted it into a spreadsheet - complete with tiny thumbnails.  It seemed the easiest way to figure out where I was going to plant my new 27 tubers.

While Danielle was here visiting, we started a list of all the plant divisions she was going to take back home with her.  Since she also needed a lot of info so that she could plan her planting, a spreadsheet seemed in order.  We meticulously updated it every evening with details about zone and size and sun requirements.  It was a bonus for me because, with over a hundred perennials listed, it's a good start on my complete list - a winter project.

Since returning home, Danielle has been updating her spreadsheet with all her plants and also cataloguing her plants by picture files on Flickr.  Sounds like a great idea and I've been waiting for her to get hers done and work out the kinks before I start mine.  It'll be fun to bring my garden alive in the winter while sorting through all the pictures - but maybe it won't wait till winter.


  1. I really like the flickr catalogues we are doing. It is a super handy reference. Judy was here today and I was able to go to your catalogue and show her the Iris you guys sent for her. If you have a picture of Carrie's Yellow, please put it up for her.

  2. I like it too but it's tedious work. (Carrie's yellow iris is the same as Alison's yellow... at least as far as I can tell.)

  3. Oh ! That's good to know. I can show her that. You are right about tedious work, especially when you find out that you don't have photos you like of every plant. I see from your post that we both had that problem. Some things I won't get blooming now until next year. Should have started sooner I guess... story of my gardening life this year. Late, late, late.
