Saturday, May 12, 2012

First Food

The first food is ready to come out of my 2012 garden! Rhubarb 'Strawberry Red' is up and almost completely red. I planted two in 2010 but today I can only find one. One is enough for us though and the second was really bought as back up. I plan to make rhubarb vinegar, rhubarb freezer jam and if I am really lucky, rhubarb crisp. Of course, that is all assuming I can get the stalks from the garden to the pot without eating them all. Hmmmm, maybe I need to look harder for the second plant after all...


  1. I like my rhubard raw. Give me a few stalks and some sugar to dip them in, and I'm happy.

  2. Me too! The thought of rhubarb vinagrette on my salad this winter is making me want to hold my ground on the rhubarb and make sure it makes it to the kitchen though. Miles and I are going vegetarian as soon as the meat in the freezer runs out.
