Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year !

Our white Christmas arrived a few days late but a snowstorm blew in on Thursday night. It made the roads an absolute mess and we had no choice but to drive in for groceries. It was slow going but we made it safely and the reward for all the nasty weather was waking up to this on Friday morning! I ran outside in my pj's and boots to get these shots before the dogs went through and knocked it all off. The bird sanctuary was beautiful. I am looking forward to my 2012 garden and when the view turns into this it reminds me why. This year I am getting fencing around my kitchen garden so I have already pulled out the seeds to plan.

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a really great Christmas.


  1. All of our snow disappeared - it's 9 degrees and raining. Today it felt like spring here in NS.

  2. This is all melted now too. We didn't get to 9 degrees but we have been just above 0 during the day. Everything is ice at night though. Wet in the day and ice at night.
