Isn't he pretty??
At the end of perennial planting season, all of the temporary greenhouses here that set up in the spring, start to close up. One in particular puts all of their remaining perennials on sale for $4/each. Judy and I always go check. What remains is typically the very common but every once in awhile, we find a gem.
We were shopping for Judy's backyard shade garden and maybe looking for anything exciting that might have been hiding behind something taller when early season shoppers went through. I move quickly at this sale. Judy likes to linger. So it was no surprise when I hit the back rack before she even got half way down the row. What I spied from the door was really what I thought it was. A variegated Jacob's Ladder. There was a single one and he was full, healthy and gorgeous!
I hovered over him until Judy arrived and I said... you think he's on sale? We laughed. We are familiar with perennial sales. You get a lot of common plants, a lot of spreading plants, a lot of invasive plants for $4/each but you never get the knock-me-out-with-a-feather-I-can't-BELIEVE-we-found-that! plants for $4.
Up to the counter I go... where the very nice hippie-ish dude that runs the place always has a smile for us... and asked how much the variegated Jacob's Ladder was. He tells me he doesn't have a variegated Jacob's Ladder but all his perennials are $4. I tell him I am pretty sure he has the Jacob's Ladder so how much would it be if he had one? He laughed and said if I have one, you can have it for $4. Score!
That is when I discovered that I heart hippie dudes!!