Saturday, July 6, 2013

Beautiful Disaster

I think I hear an echo in here! Thought I'd show you just a little taste of what keeps me so busy that I don't post for weeks. This runs half way across the top end of our drive.

It is a mass of daisy, orange lily, weeds and the edge of a raspberry patch. I have whole sections of garden that look just like this. But if you look really hard, you will see a short, tangerine lily buried way in the back. See it?

That is the last of what used to be a huge patch of tangerine lily. It was originally here and when all the orange lily were moved out of here to allow the raspberry patch to extend, the rest disappeared. To top it off, the raspberry patch decided it would rather extend in a whole different direction, leaving weeds and more daisy in its wake. Nevermind all that bad news though, the great news is that I still have that lily. That lily is one of the many reasons why I don't get my husband to go through these 'should be empty' gardens and hack everything down with one piece of equipment or another.


  1. If they got some sun, they'd do better. lol What are those big leaves?
