Thursday, April 28, 2011

First Flower 2011

Our back field is still a lake that the dogs patrol and water wildlife is starting to move in. I spent a good part of the morning standing at the roadside listening to the frogs sing. The water level has been slowly going down the last few days though and the beautiful weather drove me out into the garden today. That is where I found this little guy. The first flower in my garden for 2011. Of course it would be a viola... smiling up at me and reminding me why they are one of my favourite plants. First to bloom, last to bloom and the only flower that will stay in my garden through the whole season. From now until snow, not a day will pass that I can't find blooming viola. This year though, I hope to be gone long before the snow arrives.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, look at that! I have to get out with my camera today! I think I've already missed my dwarf iris.
